what's the point of all this micro managing? Most people round off (fudge) their reports anyway.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Are you approved to report (from the km for july)
by therevealer inyes indeedy.
if you are fortunate enough to be approved you can report (as in be allowed to report) 15-minute increments.
i knew that older ones, for example, were encouraged to report even the smallest amount of service and the cong.
Dwarf Mammoth and Evolution
by Chariklo ini wonder what the watchtower will say about the latest evolutionary news from the island of crete?.
here are extracts from the bbc science news report, plus a link for anyone who wants to read it all.
"the smallest mammoth ever known to have existed roamed the island of crete millions of years ago, researchers say..... .
Room 215
Phizzy, it ain't just JWs .... there are lots of other fundie groups that take the Bible at its literal word, and are impervious to science.
Prozac Use Among JWs, Bethelites, Circuit Overseers and District Overseers, What Gerritt Loesch Said
by Scott77 inany bethelite whom served the past 5/6 years remembers gerritt loesch's morning worship when he mentioned over 40% of those in special full-time service (bethel, missionary, co, do) were on antidepressants, such as prozac.
serious phenomena affecting many, but throw the tight reins, multiplies it.
mc rubbermallet.
Any rumors about any releases? - Conventions start in 12 days
by Gayle inconventions start may 18 according to jw.org.. hopefully, there will drops in baptisms as reported from 2011. unfortunately, there will be the poor kids..
Room 215
I think they'e hard-pressd to come up with any nedw, fresh material; more likely an updated (recycled) version of something .....
Lyman Swingle at the Bethel Breakfast table - What fun!
by Dogpatch inhttps://vimeo.com/41590728.
how in the world do you embed videos on this site?.
Room 215
I was there for four years, 1965-1969; I live just 60 miles from there now; and I haven't had the slightest interest in going back for a visit.
Pop, things have changed and is changing.
by jam inthis past weekend my jw daughter and family came.
to visit.
this daughter not like my other daughter keeps in.
Room 215
Yes, trying to talk people back into the organization is the main theme of the current Special Day assemblies; they've been pushing this notion hard since the Memorial.
Anyone wanna leave any choice comments? Brooklyn sells...
by Botzwana inhttp://brooklynheightsblog.com/archives/39314#more-39314.
you can leave comments in the bottom..
Room 215
Phizzy, it's not the bottom of the market in that location --- the area is highly prized -- one ot the most desirable in the entire city -- and pretty well immune to the vagaries of the general market.
"Wondrous expansion is now taking place!" - the reality...
by cedars ini've uploaded a new article to my blog on jwsurvey.org.
it can be found at the following link:.
Room 215
Brilliant, Cedars... and YOU TOO Londo111!!
Alteration in the German Watchtower about spousal physical abuse
by slimboyfat ini noticed that the german edition of the study watchtower for today didn't include the phrase about the husband "hitting" the sister.
instead it just says that he became ferociously angry, which need not imply physical abuse.
i wonder if the german translator altered it off his own back or was instructed, and how other language editions compare.
Room 215
As I said in an erlier "Steve and Selma" thread, I don't recall the details, but I believe there was an instance in which the Italian translation committee was taken to task over their translated version of an English text.
Tomorrow's Watchtower Study: Steve hits Selma in North America... not South America
by Alfred ini started a thread a few days ago that probably went unnoticed for the most part (under "scandals & cover-ups") regarding steve hitting selma in tomorrow's wt study... i just wanted to recap it here for those who may have missed it.... the spanish version changes the story completely.... if you've read that paragraph 12 it basically says that steve hit selma as she tried to prove a point.
selma then feels sorry for herself.. in the spanish version steve merely gets furious with her and she gets sad.. by the way, i just looked up the italian version... .
selma ricorda una lezione che imparo dalla sorella che le conduceva lo studio.
Room 215
I don't recall the details, but I believe there was an instance in which the Italian translation committee was taken to task over their translated version of an English text.